Saturday, January 12, 2008

My Hobby

Sometimes when you do ice breakers, the question comes up "If you didn't have to work, what would you do with your time?" For me I really love to do video editing. As geeky as it sounds, I've enjoyed getting out some old Botkin family VHS tapes and putting them on DVD for family members to enjoy. I really think it helps to rediscover events from the past that might have been forgotten. Since many of us don't have that flashing 12:00 VCR player hooked up any more (I made sure ours never flashed 12:00 - it drove me nuts) it really helps to rediscover these old tapes in a new way on DVD.

Until recently, I've simply just converted VHS to DVD. But about a year or so ago, I put together a video for our annual vacation that celebrated our family's 50th year on vacation to Ocean City, New Jersey (as kids my dad and my aunt would go there to visit their aunt & uncle on the East coast shore). Dad and I dug into the old photo albums and I got together over 150 pictures for the video.

Well, since I got a new camera for Christmas, I thought I'd take the next step and use some new equipment and software. I was inspired this past week and as a result I've put a new (albeit short) video together. Sorry about the quality. I'm still trying to figure out some good settings for this. Anyway, check it out and let me know what you think. Comments are always welcome.

I hope your family had a Merry Christmas. Enjoy!


Erin said...

hey j-
would you be interested in converting all my everwood shows from vhs to dvd? that'd be great!
:) erin

Christy said...

good work!! what program are you using?

Jonathan said...

I'm using Premiere Elements. I really had no idea how to use it, so this project was my classroom :)

I showed this to Mom and Dad. Now they are wanting me to do some more stuff for the family.