Monday, February 4, 2008

Is This Anything?

So I don't know what this means. I just think it's interesting. While I was taking a break today @ work, I went on For their main article I saw an image along with a link pointing me to an article talking about how the Republicans were doing down the final stretch before Super Tuesday.

Here's the image (I'll link to it to avoid any copyright issues)

About 20 minutes later I go back to and it's the exact same article, but with a little change to the image.

Maybe I just analyze things too closely, but it's just interesting that someone at CNN decided to throw up a picture of some pissed of Republican candidates. I don't really consider myself a hard-core Republican by any means. But I do appreciate consistency. It just seems like whenever we see a Democratic candidate, it looks like they just stepped off of a red carpet. But when we see a Republican candidate, it looks like they just ate some bad grapefruit. Is this anything? What do you guys make of it?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

interesting... maybe they are supposed to be looking tough. Kind of like how high school sports teams are forbidden from smiling in team photos.